Key procedures

Project selection and labelling: From a technical evaluation of the soundness of the project proposals and in consultation with National Public Authorities, the organisation grants a label to the best ones in line with an agreed set of criteria.       

Technical reporting: Reporting informs the CATRENE Organisation on the progress of projects with respect to the approved plans. Reporting starts at the level of the CATRENE partners and ends at the level of the CATRENE Board. It takes place twice a year through the Technical Reports and Programme Reviews.

Change requests: A change request procedure is available for any necessary change, due to technical, organisation or marketing evolution in the environment of the project.

Project Reviews: During the Review meetings a Team composed of members of the Steering Groups, together with experts nominated by the Public Authorities, is exposed to in-depth presentations and demonstrations. After each Review meeting, an action list is prepared from the recommendations of the Review Team.

CATRENE Reviews: A "Programme Review" grouping the key information from the projects' Technical Reports, and providing additional information on the whole Programme and its background, is prepared and released by the Chairman of the CATRENE Board.

One of the strengths of the CATRENE organisation is its rigorous monitoring and reporting process covering both strategic and technical aspects of the CATRENE programme.

The CATRENE monitoring system pursues two objectives:

  1. to stimulate, organise and co-ordinate R&D activities for the realisation of the goals of the CATRENE programme;
  2. to be accountable to the partners, the Public Authorities and the contributing tax payers.


Clear procedures have been installed to monitor the progress and the coherence of the programme.