CT218 - E450LMDAP

The overall goal of the E450LMDAP project is to develop 450 mm lithography and metrology modules and tools and to initiate distributed pilot line activities over the 450 mm lithography and metrology tool platform eco system. These pilot line activities will complement the activities from the already initiated ENIAC JU E450EDL project. In addition, also early 450 mm wafer 1x node advanced patterning process development at the IMEC’s pilot line will be part of the project. Lithography, metrology and deposition equipment performance suited for 450 mm will be demonstrated in the IMEC pilot line, interconnected with holistic methodologies to the 450 mm pilot line at IMEC which is equipped with European systems. The project will complement the engagement of the European semiconductor equipment industry in the 450mm wafer size transition that started with the ENIAC JU EEMI450 initiative and proceeded with subsequent projects funded with public money, amongst others NGC450, SOI450, EEM450PR and E450EDL which will result into first critical process module availability in the IMEC pilot line. The consortium comprises 44 members from 7 different European countries with SMEs and research institutes and also IDM as end users. The project is organized in three technical work packages and a work package on management and coordination. The main objective in the work package on lithography is to develop and to have prototyping activities comprising amongst others wafer stage, wafer handler, optics, electronic as well as preliminary tool system qualification. In the dedicated work package on metrology 450mm metrology tool types will be developed for wafer and mask platforms as well as a holistic metrology data hub for advance lithography data management and fab. Finally, in the work package on advanced patterning a selection of critical N10 layers, which are currently under development at 300mm wafer sizes, will be transferred to an early 450mm lithography platform.